Current Activities
Retrospective Justice in Healing Historical Injustice and Ills: Reparations
Defined as “an attempt to administer justice years after the commission of a severe injustice or series of injustices,” we advocate that Quakerism adopt Retrospective Justice as a model for healing historical injustice. Our ministry is providing education on this call to action through e-newsletters, publications, and collaborative lecture-presentations with Friend Nozizwe Madlala-Routledge, a leader in South Africa’s anti-apartheid movement, the African National Congress, and transnational organizations.
Collaborating with the United Nations, Quakers, and human-rights activists in activities commemorating the UN International Decade for People of African Descent (2015-2024) and the UN International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.
PAUL ROBESON AND BAYARD RUSTIN ADVOCACY: Restoring Paul Robeson and Bayard Rustin to their rightful places in history, including the presentation given at 2019 Friends Association on Higher Education conference, titled Truth and An African American Quaker Activist Scholar: Africana Studies, Paul Robeson, and Bayard Rustin.
MEMOIRS AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS: Writing and lecturing on memoirs, "Black Fire: An African American Quaker Seeker-Activist in a White-Supremacist Culture." Vol. II of projected 3-part BLACK FIRE trilogy, with a focus on confronting white supremacy. Updating Cold War historiography manuscript, "Soviet Training and Research Programs for Africa" for publication as MENTAL DECOLONIZATION AND THE COLD WAR: AFRICAN STUDENT ELITES IN THE USSR, in keeping with Quaker testimonies. Revising and updating 2008 Weed Lecture publication, "Facing Unbearable Truths."
HONORS: Judith Weller Harvey Quaker Scholar, Guilford College, and Cadbury Scholar, Pendle Hill, 2019. Associate, Hutchins Center for African and African-American Research at Harvard University. Associate, Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Harvard University.
ADVOCACY AND COLLABORATIONS: Continuing advocacy and collaborations with domestic and international Quaker and non-Quaker units and individuals working for Truth, Community, Equality, Peace, and Justice. Specifically includes Friends in East Africa, Latin America, Palestine/Israel, and Asia; the Third World Coalition of the American Friends Service Committee; Alaskan Friends Conference; Friends World Committee for Consultation; the Cuban Quaker Peace Institute; et al.
TRANSLATION INTO SPANISH: Postponed: Translating into Spanish, “Black Fire: African American Quakers on Spirituality and Human Rights,” 2011, the first publication in the Black Fire trilogy.