School-to-prison pipeline, over-punishment of Black students, and textbooks and curricula filled with errors of commission and omission.
23 September 2020
Dear Friends, friends of Friends, and others,
Each week leading up to—and passing-- the USA Election Day (Nov. 3), we will be sharing ideas from our forthcoming Pendle Hill pamphlet, “Race, Systemic Violence, and Retrospective Justice,” by Dr. Harold D. Weaver, Jr.
We hope to give our readers a better understanding of various items of our pamphlet, including structural violence, retrospective justice (reparations), and race/racism, with the hope that they might understand why we are proposing anti-violence as a solution to systemic violence, rather than merely nonviolence, and other changes.
Since the school year has just begun, we are looking today at Educational Structural Violence as our first example. For African American students and other students of color, one of the greatest threats to their education is the “school-to-prison pipeline,” a phenomenon that funnels children from public schools into the juvenile and criminal justice systems. Students are most commonly either suspended, expelled, or incarcerated due to zero tolerance policies for minor infractions, preventing them from receiving the support they need to succeed in school and increasing the likelihood that they’ll drop out of school entirely.
We are very much aware of the distortion and absence of accurate material about African Americans in USA and world history in American classrooms. We propose using the new New York Times’ 1619 Project curriculum as a response to typical, outdated curricula and textbooks filled with errors of commission and omission, a contrast to Trump’s advocacy.
The pamphlet is now available for pre-order through the Pendle Hill Bookstore before its 6 October release date! You may pre-order the pamphlet through this link:
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Comment below with any questions or comments about this week’s theme. We look forward to sharing this publication with everyone interested!
--The BlackQuaker Project